Thursday, May 31, 2012

portland keeps getting better

a traveler and the Free BOX
Blackberries on the way into HIGH ROCKS
Many trips to HIGH ROCKs. Klich leaps
My favorite downtown cart is DC Vegetarian. Homemade seitan makes this Steak & Cheese sub the best!
Baby, the house black cat, gets in the mix!

My only shot of what the Kitchen Dances cart sorta looks like.

Freeboxers at Red & Black
Klich & I battled it out in CornHole at another block party
so close, yet so far
cute kitties everywhere
discards from a certain VEGAN oriented and wonderful
This is unicorn meat from a short lived vegan cart in downtown
UPTONNatural's did a popup sandwich store at FOOD FIGHT when the VEGAN bloggers conference was in town.

I went to this event with Teagen's pal, Elaine.We met Curt and Natalie there. I think they'd come from the gala fundraiser event. You could choose from 3 different sandwiches all prepared with new varieties of the Upton Natural's seitans.  As it turns out I was so close to meeting Christy Morgan on this evening.   

Beaverton Park was pretty fun. Klich ollies the hip
I saw a pic of Marshall at Holly Farms and really wanted to skate the brick QP's
Klich makes me proud on so many levels.
it was great seeing KLICH in his school uniform and seeing the school

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