Monday, June 23, 2014


Bianca proved me wrong. As we finished packing up the house before my 2 weeks in Wichita, I was starting to get really nervous. As the boxes kept mounting in the pile for the trailer, I began to think that it wouldn't all fit. I did my best to keep the thought to myself. But I let a few comments of concern slip & Bianca wasn't having it. She put a gag order on me and remained confident in her expert packing ability. And sure enough, after waking up early and driving from Hutch to the house in Great Bend, she took the lead on loading and it all fit! Many thanks for John from GBC for joining us for the pack & stuff job.
we said goodbye to Meowzers. no sign of MamaMan

after Iris had her cast removed, we were on the road
We drove north into Nebraska and then headed NW towards North Dakota. Bianca found a cool road trippin app that told us about a place near Alliance, NE, called Carhenge. It is a replica of England's Stonehenge. Instead of being built with large standing stones, Carhenge is formed from vintage American automobiles, all covered with gray spray paint. Built by Jim Reinders, it was dedicated at the June 1987 summer solstice.
We decided it was a must see so we found a motel in Alliance and planned to stop by on our way out of town the following morning.

Excitement levels were peaking as we caught sight of it from a mile away

can you spot the Pacer?

it was a lot to take in

this was my favorite piece of graffiti

without paint or sharpie, I tagged it the best way I know how

in addition to the Stonehenge replica, there are several other pieces, like this CADDY time capsule

I thought this was the family truxter, but among the graffiti, I found no HONKY LIPS

this is entitled the FOURD Seasons - made from all Ford autos
and it also served as a nice walk for the dogs - Everett

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