Friday, November 28, 2014

unexpected TEXAS

Kerry joined Klich & I for an early morning session before our departure
 Kerry, who I've gotten to know from his blog, told me about a drive he was taking to San Antonio from Portland. It took a day to process the opportunity, but then I asked if I could join. We departed November 7th and would return November 20th - 13 days on the road covering nearly 4600 miles.
Klich found a new line
Klich brought me to LADIES night at Daddies. Jen from Commonwealth goes frontside

I picked up the rental car with Kerry the day before departing

hung with Greg Bennick at Food Fight before getting in the car

Klich says goodbye to Kerry
and we're off....
the 4600 mile route to be covered in 13 days

1st stop was Bingen, where the leaves and twigs presented a little problem
Kerry ollies the big four

Kerry loves the boardslides
back over the Columbia to get back on I-84 with Mt Hood in the background
Caldwell, IDAHO skate plaza was the next stop

caught a little sunset as the temp began to drop
taco bowls at the Boise Coop for dinner

one footer at the Salt Lake park we visited

Kerry stepped up his boardslide game

filling breakfast at the Vertical Diner
Vertical Diner is right down the street from the Coalatree offices
Cali Foods visit for road snacks
and into the wide open spaces of Wyoming

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