Tuesday, July 9, 2013

frolf & high dive

out for my morning ride, I rolled by the ALL/Descendents studio
never linked up with their limited hours
Ft. Collins is a bikers town!
free banana from FNB denver & hydroponic strawberries from Boulder frm MKT

met up with MATT & we rode to edora

Matt brought two discs, but chose the BEAST
I'm not going to use the term FROLF very often - frisbee/golf
his putting game got better as the day wore on

long shot
Matt followed my lead and we snuck right into the EDORA pool

the first belly flop only got his chest this RED

this he took his perfect form to the high platform

major splashdown
results - maybe the pictures don't do it justice
my backflip from the high
matt was off to work and I was off to do some skateboarding on JUNE 21st.

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